Advanced Care Planning Consulting
While working as a Registered Nurse in intensive care, I witnessed firsthand families struggling to make difficult health care decisions for their loved ones.
I experienced the heartbreak of this personally, as well. I lead my family through health care decision-making for my parents when they died within a day of each other. My father died at home from complications of dementia, and my mother died the following day after withdrawal of life support in an intensive care unit.

Advanced Care Planning is a process of communicating your values, goals, needs and desires regarding the type of healthcare you want and what is important to you in the final days of life. It helps prepare family members to make health care decisions when you are unable to do so.
Writing your wishes in a Healthcare Directive and identifying a person to make decisions for you when you are unable to can help make the final days of life about closure, sharing love and being present, rather than about chaos struggling with decisions. It is a gift that you give yourself as well as your loved ones.
I offer Advanced Care Planning support.
I can help you get the conversation started with loved ones, anticipate health care decisions and complete a Healthcare Directive or other Advanced Care Planning documents, such as a POLST (Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatments) or Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare.
It is never too early to plan, so don't wait until it is too late.